Regular Contracts

Regular Contracts may be offered to you by large organisations who organise delivery of supermarket leaflets.

Is it worth it? On it’s own, no. They suply leaflets asking for home owners to deliver 500-1500 leaflets around their own area and pay about £30 per 1000 for a multi page brochure.

For regular work, it may pay if you have four different contracts to go out at the same time but for the weight involved, the collating time etc and more importantly, the amount they are willing to pay for your service just doesn't make sense.

You would need three simply to cover your overheads, plus a car/van as collection has to be made from the supermarket (which is not paid for). Due to the thickness and weight expect them to wheel them out on pallets.

Do you deliver free newspapers?


Now this is where you need to make a decision

Do you take on work blindly to make some money regardless of the client? After all, your client in this case would be the newspaper and not yours directly. At least, not until the leaflet owner, who has paid for 20,000 leaflets to be printed and paid the paper to have them inserted receives little or no response, complains to the paper who then wonders if you have delivered them…..

It all depends on your ethics

Is it all about the money regardless?

Do you try to make sure the client has as much response as possible?

Next Page: Marketing



SG Marketing Technology
Whitfield Business Hub
184-200 Pensby Road
CH60 7RJ
