Logger Pros: Comes with own software, can log every second if required.
Logger Cons: No replaceable batteries, not durable we had to replace all units within 12-18 months.
Seperate track for each logger so some skill required to overlay KML files
You cannot see the trackers live. Send them out in the morning with the team and hopefully by the end of the day, each logger will have accurately tracked.
Logistics nightmare, you have to collect each logger from the distributor, upload the data, which was taking 10-20 minutes per logger and charge the logger ready for the next day.
Mobile App Pros: Free, Distributor may have their own phone and happy to use it.
Mobile App Cons: Designed for Android apps at the moment, GPS Location accuracy is within 10 meters.
The app can be easily tampered with, by turning the GPS location off or denying the app permission if disributor didnt want to be tracked.
Data allowance is required and if used daily can be considerable. The mobile phone battery when using GPS location drains quickly.
Tracker Pros: Live tracking, you know the distributor has turned the tracker on and is being tracked.
Tamper proof you know when the distributor turned the tracker on/off even when they charged the tracker.
Long battery life.
Highly accurate within 2 meters.
Data included within package.
Tracker Cons: Initialy outlay can be costly.